Our Portfolio


Duration:                             > 3 Years

Project Budget:                 > R 5 500 000


A time and attendance system for The Idea Portal. BIOSYN is simply my pride and joy. A budget was granted for a world-class project where no shortcuts were accepted. Not only was features and capabilities high priority, but also speed and efficiency. I was able to reduce calculations speeds with more than 1000%. I implemented employee behavior and pattern predictions, converting the system from a “policing time and attendance” system to a pro-active, employee wellness and performance management tool. Reports and statistics included company, geographical, demographics, departmental and employee-based comparisons. BIOSYN has grown as a company by more than 200% per year since the upgrade.


Various hardware SDK’s. Payroll APIs & direct database integrations



Duration:                             24 Months

Budget:                                R 1 500 000


While not on the same level as NAKO, BizTrack boasts with active world class client companies such as Ferrero Rocher. BizTrack is a sales and merchandising management system, competing on the level of Repsly and Honeybee. I developed the system from scratch, based on the ideas of previous merchandising company personnel. Since the creation of the system, they have been able to sign Ferrero Rocher as one of their clients who now nationally requires their merchandising companies to use BizTrack above competing systems such as Repsly or Honeybee. BizTrack is based on older technology than NAKO, with lower speed accuracies, but performs amazingly, nonetheless.

General System




I was involved with various system development projects in manufacturing, including multiple factory automation projects. This ranged from financial through to production.


I’ve developed or was involved with the development of numerous systems that included invoicing, cash flows, budgeting, contracts/HR and accounting.  One system including a daily live cashflow solutions with in-depth budget planning options.


Multiple systems, including BizTrack, centered around sales. I also developed a comprehensive lead, pipeline and sales management system for a company that is still in use today and facilitates in-depth business continuity options for their sales team.


Various tourism-based systems including guesthouse management, online portals and platforms.

Fast Foods

I was head developer of a major project to develop a touch screen solution for a fast food chain.

Time & Attendance

As mentioned before, time and attendance are my pride and joy. I developed a system classified by numerous clients as “world-class, something years beyond its competitors”.

Training & Educational

I was project manager for various projects relating to online training and education purposes. This includes a biometric clocking solution for children on buses for schools.


We developed a financial data and statistical analysis system for Choppies in Botswana. The system integrated their payroll, salaries and time and attendance into one system.

Have a Project in Mind?

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Email: info@tipdev.co.za

Tel: 051 011 88 33

Cel: 083 298 6998